Please understand the “ Western response” of Zionism and pro- Israeli support is not necessarily the response of the American people. It is the response of the politicians who are sucking Israel’s collective penis, and the response of the mockingbird media . Same media who are bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical companies to push their poison. I believe most Americans have absolute sympathy for the Palestinian people and are disgusted with Israel’s attacks

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I hope you're right. When I read conservative websites like "Gateway Pundit," nearly 99% of the comments all support Israel as do the owners of "Gateway Pundit." Their reporting is incredibly skewed toward "Hooray for Israel and Death to the Muslims" as most conservative websites appear to be. They all appear clueless and incapable of nuances in evaluating and thinking...but I sure hope you're right.

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interesting and well researched piece, thank you.

it is now clear that the Amsterdam fraccas was an orchestrated mossad op with full, FULL compliance of the Dutch government/police, reminding Us again of the full spectrum compliance by All governments in a "plan" that wriggles like a hooked eel..

Video footage shows frequent pauses in the movement of the mob where repeatedly the same ring leaders give out instruction to the sub groups...

However, what exactly is the intention here?

Obviously creating further friction between "white" and "muslim" a problem seen all over europe and the uk, but the problem is still marginal..

Whilst the white northern european psyche still favours the preferred stance of the zionists, ie "muslim is invader", "they groom and rape your kids" (rotherham) and "they are here to replace us" consumption of this narrative is not total.

Most people just still go about their business brushing shoulders with All fellow people regardless of origin..

One clue may be found in some of the chants of the "israeli" fans: "europes going to burn"

imho things are getting very close to some kind of threshold moment, Nov 19th is important as it signifies the end of an Age, 59 minutes, 59 seconds... then tock

Ages of around 2000 yrs in duration dont have definitve occurence events (arguably) but completion is significant

Understanding that "ordo ab chao" is the recurrent theme and intention casts some light on events like Amsterdam.

It reminds Us that they have dead-lines to keep and that they do not have this in the bag.

They do however have another 2 years +/- to compete the calendar, We are not in any way out of the woods

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Thank you for your comment.

I, too, believe that the entire event was orchestrated, and I have no problem whatsoever believing that Mossad was involved as well as the European governments who immediately and without investigation began ballyhooing that a pogrom had taken place.

The interesting aspect of this whole "antisemitism propaganda" issue returns us to WWII where, to be quite candid, I believe that, as that war progressed, those supplying both sides pushed the camps and the ensuing narrative after the war. They've since used this propaganda motif again and again and again through the years but particularly now as people think little and allow their emotions to rule.

The 2,000-year ending is interesting. I always get a sense that a ritual or ceremony is involved. I don't believe in such ceremonies and believe myself little affected. However, for populaces under significant sway by media and social media, I believe they become hypnotized and influenced by such rituals. Those who are awake to any degree are far less if not affected at all. I don't own a cellphone nor participate in social media. I haven't watched TV for years. I research on computer and watch events unfold.

I know. Until 2015, I was under this kind of sway. It's a miracle I woke up.

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Likewise whilst "interested" in certain subjects that were outside normal conversation i too did not believe it woud come to my door but here it is knocking.

Ritual is at the heart of this, you will find the 6 million number thrown around many times previously in history....until it stuck.

This number is contained within their doctrine torah,talmud, zohar, which if actually read by anyone would convert them into a position of immediate hostility toward the jew.

In their doctrine We are viewed as cattle (goyim), they believe We should all be killed and that this world is theirs, that is clearly stated, it is not exageration, nor manipulation.

Whilst many accept the above as fact they still view it an extreme view held by a minority of these people, this is not true, whilst the most extreme tennants may not be sought by all, the desire to dominate and "rule the world" is shared by most if not all of them and while feigned resistance is seen this is play acting to give the impression of "balance"

The "ritual" of jew domination is the one and the same as "freemasonry", ie world control by dint of 1st bringing chaos and then applying a "new world order" out of the ashes, freemasonry was infiltrated by the jew circa 1700-1750, a ready made "secret society" with networks, heirachy and code, "ideal" they said..

Freemasonry has flourished in Our societies because of the short/medium term gains offered to the wiling non jew initiates, career, wealth, protection from the law, etc.

The jew has thus used the institution to permeate ALL governments, institutions, places of power, until We are where We stand today, at the precipice.

Belief or otherwise in ritual and timing is irrelevant, for them it matters and a degree of "celestial mechanics" is involved, certainly regarding timing of events and their impetus being affected/more potent when performed on cue.

For example "9/11" seems an unimportant date when viewed in the normal calendar, however when viewed correctly as" IX-XI " We then see the 2 pillars and the "gateway".

Likewise i dont do "tell-lies-vision", nor "smart-phones", nor do i engage in "social-media" social media is "soup", peoples thoughts and ambitions, viewpoints so on, placed in a blender and the 2x speed button hit, result? All the energy/intention is wasted, turned into unpalatable mush.

News media and "entertainment" media work to feed the populace with garbage for the brain and specificaly re "entertainment" implant further ritual symbolism, images and constructs that subliminally alter the mind and allow for deeper "mk" format messaging to take place.

Such is evident when speaking to those whose lives are immersed in this soup, even the constant imagery of dismembered, beautiful young children cannot permeate the barrier of ptsd imagery used in films etc that has conditioned them...

My partners` father said to her a few days back that the targetting of tiny children in Gaza and now Lebanon is "justified" becuase they would otherwise grow up to become "terrorists"..... he watches "tv" "news" and reads "newspapers".

Most importantly this attitude belies the implanted belief that those protecting their Homeland from an invading, occupying force who have illegitimately claimed ownership and falsely claim victim status makes the indigenous people... "terrorists", inversion at its darkest.

And yes the nagging suspicion that the "jab" seems to have pushed the masses further into this brainwashed "condition" is correct.. that and the impending tsunami of death that is lapping Our shores...

This is now beyond observation/contemplation, it is "clear and present danger"..

Understanding how We got here in terms of 20thC "his-story" is a sound basis to begin to engage with the full extent of what We are dealing with and where this is headed..

For any that now grasp that the 2020 events were merely warm up then the coming events are a given.

This 11 hour piece was handed to me on a usb stick, it took me over a week to watch, it is harrowing and not the easiest to process, but it is the nearest We have to an actual true picture of the history that brings Us to today, i highly recommend:


Personally i prefer written work but sometimes visual productions can convey more, the most recent Max Igan offering shows the full extent of the war crimes being perpetuated in Gaza and Lebanon and touches upon trumps role in the latest stage as they attempt to move Us toward a very dark future, this is not easy viewing, there is also discussion on the recent floods in Spain their relevance to an arms emargo and something i had not previously seen or heard of...


Understanding the "ambitions" of the jew nation and their role in central world politics becomes clearer when We read the intetntions/goals in their own words, hence



appologies i am unable to shrink the link, its a 10 minute read

"middle east":


The second article links on to further sections and other related issues, it is important that it is understood that this is their own words, nothing is hidden..

Control of the worlds resources coupled with direct control of much of the worlds armed forces america (completely) uk (completely) russia (this is still up for debate) allows for a total coup d`etat on Humanity.

The perplexing issue is that while much is "fake" much too is quite real and a few million dead here and there is "small change" and if it brings the populace to take notice then so be it...

The longer term ambitions outside of "war" which has its own ritual/blood letting value to these demons is to induce the majority of Humanity into a kind of "assisted dying" situation.

The next stage as most suspect will align new legislative "global" health directives with further distribution of "death shots", however this time with a darker cloud of resource shortage and an intensifying "threat of war", and a pulling together of cbdc/digital id protocols.

It is going to get much, much harder to escape the net, for myself i have lived "off grid" for over 30 years and while this offers some solace, it only delays, does not cure.

Lastly, while i truly accept You viewpoint of not playing into the ritual element being played out it is however usefull to understand how they see things and as such One becomes more clear on the degree of insanity/psycopathy that drives them, this link contains a 2 minute video explaining "from the horses mouth" trumps role and the relevance of the "assassination attempt":


Theres alot to chew through there and i hope it provides some perspectives You might consider usefull,

Re avoidance of tv, phones and all that i rate clean water, free of fluoride as being one of the most important facets, fluroide was 1st used by Stalin when he discovered that those imprisoned by him could be managed by far less guards per thousand inmates if the water was fluoridated.

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Thanks so much for your detailed response, duckman. I'm familiar with all you wrote. I've seen the Europa documentary. I haven't watched Max Igan in a while but will view your link--so thanks very much! I'm familiar with historical Jewish viewpoints and the history of Freemasonry.

When I red pilled in 2015, I began a massive campaign of reading and willingly dove down many rabbit holes...so I truly understand your words.

I'm also familiar with New Israel in Ukraine. I have a folder in my Bookmarks but only two entries by the same individual.



A number of my Substacks discuss "The Greater Middle East Plan" or "Greater Israel." My latest is linked below. I believe, as I say in my Substacks, that this "Plan" is to open up the Middle East for a "one-world government" conduit into India and SE Asia.


I continually try to connect what we see in the world with what we don't see. I believe an order of individuals exists--even families--who control and manipulate events. Probably the closest we see would be Vanguard's Board of Directors who remain anonymous and never publicly revealed. Vanguard is the ultimate "owner" in the world since they subsume much of BlackRock. As you probably know, ownership in all companies have been traced ultimately to BlackRock and Vanguard. So much is controlled by the financial aspect; once a country or nation is captured financially, politics and social orders can be easily manipulated.

These individuals are popularly called Illuminati. The staggering planning which has occurred is difficult to accept, and from that viewpoint, I can see ritual and magic being invoked. I can also see these individuals having contact with remnants of a prior civilization who still retain advanced technology (Gigi Young's theory--a mystic--support for her theory would be the advanced flying saucer-like aircraft Admiral Byrd encountered in Operation Highjump) and/or individuals who remain telepathically and intuitively gifted or trained to so that future events can be manipulated.

Thanks again for your many links!

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Ah Wonderfull, its not always easy to see/judge anothers level of understanding, mainly due the sheer enormity of the problems and the mutiple facets..

I have your page "here we go again" open on the next tab and will digest in a while.

Ok, most of what You describe as magic, which is more accurately termed magick, words are spells i`m sure You understand, calling things and persons by the correct resonant sounds/words assists in revealing the true meaning or intention (of a person), its one reason "english" is used alot.

The classification is known as "kabbalah" which itself offers two paths, redemption, purity, re-unification with Source the abandonment of ego as One climbs the branches of the tree of life..

The second path (which the would be world controllers) follow is into the roots of the tree, lured by sa-tan/samael, required to unlock mysteries/gates/keys ("ninth gate" film elucidates very much) and ultimately to become "gods", "immortal", "omnipotent", "hermaphrodite" and part "human" part machine..

The little psycho yuval harari spouts much in boasting re these subjects, he is "fully on board".

This fascinating piece may help as it shows how the themes and images are projected into the Human consciousness, unwittingly to act as "battery back up" to bring this "great work of ages" to life..


He has a piece on the "matrix" coding too that You may find interesting given Your mention of "red pill" its not quite as it seems


Its important to note if You havent yet come across CJB that he is a tad frustrated after 30 years of trying get this message out, perseve however if it resonates with You..

Understanding that the "greater isreal project" is about dominating an area rich in resources and the power that will give, which will also assist hugely in forcing Billions into a deeper form of slavery than We are already in.

But this is merely one part, the prime destination of this is to seat on a throne in Jerusalem a "king of kings", they say "moschiach ben david", Islam name it dajjal or false prophet, in Christian terminology the expression "anti-christ" is accurate..

They intend the next 2 years to be really getting this jig along the road, much more dead by "safe and effectives", "war", "famine" all very much like the scripted message in "revelations" which no one really questions about where it came from, its just kind of popped in there... for good measure ;0)

They need Us to believe, that much i do know, they require Our mass consciousness, hence the intollerable division upon division being created... every where..

Very few are on the same page in all respects, all seem to have at least one facet where they are still fooled, this constant unrest and threat condition promotes acceptance of a "new solution" to the worlds manufactured problems, the old Ordo ab Chao..

Below those words on the $ bill what do We see..?

An all seeing eye atop, yet not connected to an earthly pyramid

Is this a first landing/arrival or is this a return?

Islam discuss the nature of the dajjal so:


We are now seeing much greater levels of reveal of the true nature of the jew, there is much in the latest Igan that will illustrate this, very opening threats being made to Humanity..

Re what You say about Admiral Byrd, the area of "looking glass project" i find highly compelling and fits in with other areas i have studied like the outer planet cycles which coincided Jan 2020 and previously at highly important moments in Human history, inc frday 13th, the creation of "fiat" currency by red shield in Frankfurt (1776 if memory serves), pre that destruction of the second temple, whose only remaining part is now known as the "wailing wall", cue another great find from Jean Baptiste, excuse the ai presenter i am not entirely sure of her relevance, its the footage that is important, a few minutes long and well worth a view:


Re looking glass it is relatively well known that the Iraq "war" had a more sinister MO that being aquisition of Saddams` collection of ancient artefacts and that his personal archaeology team had reputedly, recently discovered what they believed to be nimrod`s tomb,

With current research into dna etc its fairly clear why the dark ones would want full, unimpeded access...?

The structure known as the Ziggurat was immediately placed under 24hr guard as soon as Iraq was invaded and it stayed that way.

I know a chap who worked for Egyptian heritage when he was younger, he was taught archaeology by the man who restroed tut ank amun`s funeral headress/death mask, this chap still maintains contact with colleagues back home and around the Jan 2020 mark he had received "astonishing revelations" from ex colleagues re the Giza structures, related to purpose, he mentioned the word "prison".

It seems they have made some kind of breakthrough re the purpose of this undeniably important area that affects all Humanity, i know nothing more than what was suggested between the lines at that time..

Saturn has great relevance to the entities vanquished (or so We are led to believe) and indeed a new strange hexagram form became visible around the time Humanity received its massive interjection via the coronating scam..

This undoubtedly one of the real problems We face as We try to disentangle the mystery We face, some elements which appear intitally outlandish turn out to be based on sound principles and many rabbit holes have been dug purposefully with "gotcha" motifs on the walls at the end of the maze..

Mental fluidity and holding onto whats important are super important..

Especially as We are entering (i feel) a new phase of heightened insanity/confusion/discord..

The "aquarian" age starts proper in a few days as Pluto the last planet to fully enter aquarius finally moves forward and into that sign after several years of to and fro motion, this does not bode well, the date is Nov 19th...

This amazing article from 2022 covers the use of fear and manipulation and still forms a sound basis of observation even now as things finally get going, i have come back to this one time and time again


You may notice it has been recently re-booted Sep 2024 as it seems the authors are also (of course) aware that things are hotting up..

If the area of this anti christ/messiah entity interests You i have many, many articles that i can link that show how this has been made so, and how 3rd temple lore relates to the kabbalah "cjb" work..

i am going now to read Your article, Thanks

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I will look at your many links and read your post carefully later. Right now, my initial reaction is "Goody!!" I can choose a life where I come back and fight against the "King of kings."

When my second husband was dying of cancer, I had many highly psychic episodes. I'm not naturally psychic--maybe intuitive--but not psychic. I felt at times like the top of my head had been opened and a download of information ensued. Once such "point of information," which I was given because I had to convey certain sentiments to my husband, was coming back when the world was covered in darkness--this was shown through what looked like a black blanket covering the globe. I was raised "outside" which appeared to be, I now understand, far away from 15-minute cities. I'm a young, brash kid. Maybe 19. I fear absolutely nothing. In fact, everything to me is a lark. I couldn't ask for a greater challenge.

I won't divulge more because that involves the position and interaction with my husband. Needless to say, the mission is the overthrow of the world governance. I was told to tell him certain details because he chose no treatment for his cancer and died rapidly. So, something about the timing of his death caused this psychic interlude.

This was before I flew to Iowa to have a QHHT session or a Dolores Cannon past life reading. Long story short, I thought I was on another planet, but I now understand that I probably lived in a vastly different time period on Earth. The government was run by families. Several families and my own overthrew a militaristic government. I sometimes think it wasn't Earth because there were two planets nearby--very close in range--and they were being conquered by this militaristic .gov. Anyway, I think I was assassinated after the war. Getting those readings is complex. Hard to decipher at times because your Higher Self (soul) speaks to you in metaphors and symbols.

Sounds weird...but after adding meditation to my Buddhist chanting when I was learning over at Gigi Young's site, I was told that I'm from the Solar Strain or tradition. My fathers and grandfathers are there. One of my grandfathers is a Sleeping Father or Logos. I don't understand any of this stuff...but it's what I'm "told."

I guess all this sounds wacky as hell...you just caught me in a light-hearted and gabby mood.

No need to respond. Take care. Cheers!!

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Not at all wacky, i was in Tomar in 2019 and realised i had been there in something like 1779, Tomar was where the survivors of and those who evaded friday 13th escaped to and formed "Order of Christ", the birthmark i have shows a 2 inch entry wound in my chest, on my back the exit wound is 6-7 inches.

Completely get it..

2 Books that change many things, Le Couteux explores the relationships We once had with "demi-urge" until the crusade of the usurper "one true god" created exiles.. angry exiles...


i come from direct Viking/Pict lines from the north of England, my mothers family name is white-bay, shortened in its more familliar name related to the coastal town..

Fathers` side We are "hege"="lives behind a hedge"

Next book is a game changer, from a true descended Hebrew scholarly line, not from those We regard as "synagogue of satan", he states that very clearly,

Great book


You can certainly find the latter very easily in us of a

Joining the dots We begin to see that the freemason quest "great work of ages"

Equates to "olam ha ba" which is the kabbalic/jew "world to come" with Humanity dominated and culled

All brought about by the "moschicah ben david", "king of kings", "anti-christ"

And All Humanity given the choice of either swearing allegiance to the "luciferian new world order" or being de-capitated...

It is all the same thing in slightly different wrapping paper..

With trump making it clear that All assistance toward this aim will be granted the instant he takes office the world is heading for a meltdown:


Given the outgoing biden/harris administrations legal obligations to arm "isreal" but seemingly only to the point of allowing "isreal" to defend itself there may be traction/p.o.v in that the obama/clinton/biden/harris admin, whilst themselves obviously seeking dominion, control and power do not seek to seat the "king of kings" ?*&^%$?

The most peculiar film (so i am told/have read about, becuase i would never watch such thing), that being "leave the world behind" and its strange subliminal sound file (that has had sound engineers scratching their heads and wondering what the f*ck is in those audio files) may in fact constitute a "heads-up" notice to certain elements/groups that in face of the coming tragedy for Humanity that it is far better to "pull the plug"....?

That said in the recent "se-election" here in the un-united kingdom the outgoing lot clearly handed the baton to the jew/communist starmer, so i wont hold my breath..

"Collapse" maybe "wishfull" thinking on my part, or justification on a personal level as to why i have invested a lifetime in hands on skills of food growing, repairing and making anything/everything, off grid skill set.. instinctual since early teens..

With something like 9 weeks to go We are set (imho) for a bumpy ride.. i also feel the internet web will be pulled so having a clear (ish) sound knowledge of what is, what may be and what might come is of great importance as We try to make sense of Our new world...

There was recent evidence of a colaboration of biden/harris/starmer jew communist angle take down of the cross ocean cables being in the "mix"..

No need to reply, but DO come ask if You think i may have source of anything We have discussed that You require further evidence/information on, most welcome

Keep well :0)

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