When is a Pogrom Truly Not a Pogrom?
"So long as men write what they think, then all of the other freedoms - all of them - may remain intact. And it is then that writing becomes a weapon of truth." Rod Serling
The real tragedy in Amsterdam is that an Israeli soccer team was allowed to travel and play.
Here’s what happened.
The best analysis I’ve read from The Unz Review:
For your edification…Maccabi Tel Aviv fans stomping and beating a man carrying the Palestinian flag in Athens March 7 this year.
The retaliation on the Israeli soccer fans in Amsterdam was every bit as brutal as their attack in Athens. However, rather than revealing the antagonistic behavior of Maccabi Tel Aviv fans the previous night, the entire incident is being whitewashed as a pogrom—as unprovoked attacks. CBS’ broadcast appears typical of the “Western response.”
Note well what happened. Rather than cover both sides of the incident, Western news media characterizes the event as innocent Israeli soccer fans attacked unprovoked because they’re Jews.
I’m frankly fed up with being manipulated by conservatives who can’t see their hand in front of their faces.
I’ve admired Geert Wilders up until this point. Europe should never have allowed the open borders they did, and he spoke eloquently and consistently against this massive population replacement. In this instance, he’s the fool in the Israeli Kabuki Theater. From Middle East Eye:
Geert Wilders, an anti-Muslim and pro-Israel leader of the largest party in the Dutch government, called the riots a “pogrom” and a “Jewish hunt”.
He also failed to mention the attacks by the Israeli hooligans and instead called for the arrest and deportation of what he described as the “multicultural scum” involved in the clashes.
Netanyahu and other Israeli politicians also branded the riots as antisemitic, with some comparing it to the 7 October Hamas-led attack on southern Israel.
The prime minister said he ordered the sending of two rescue planes to the Netherlands to evacuate the fans.
However, a balanced view must prevail for all those who govern. Surely Wilders had been made aware of the atrocious and racist behavior of the Maccabi Tel Aviv fans the previous evening. I don’t condone violence by either Israelis or Palestinians, but I want a complete report of any incident. Let people read and make up their own minds.
Stop censoring the fuck out of our news.
So…this incident isn’t a pogrom. This incident involved Israeli soccer fans who acted atrociously as guests in a European city showing no respect for some of their citizens who were Arabic. Moreover, rather than act like adults realizing that tensions and emotions run high between Israel and Palestine, these fans chose to display barbarism. They are the new hordes. They are the new Goths.
An excellent analysis by Ori Goldberg, an Israeli political analyst, from The Unz Review (already linked above) as quoted from Al Jazeera:
I wrote a day or so ago about Spain initiating correct measures against Israel after their own citizens, in an olive grove on the West Bank with Palestinian farmers, were shot by IDF for no reason at all. They were a small group with obviously no weapons. Spain unilaterally severed connections after the incident.
Right now, Israelis are demented and divorced from reality…as are the Palestinians, but the Israelis are responding by considering themselves superior and righteous. Nothing could be more dangerous. For this reason, Israel should be banned from all sporting events.
I viewed an interesting Chris Hedges interview with Col. Wilkerson tonight as well as one with Alistair Crooke and Judge Napolitano. Crooke made the point that Israel bamboozles Western powers but largely the U.S. with their insistence that, by their war conduct, they’re forming the bulwark against the invading hordes of Arabs and Islamists which Western countries would have to confront in the absence of Israel. In actual fact, Israel is the barbarian, and the Western societies appear demented; unable to reason; and unable to ascertain truth. They depend on their enabler, Israel.
Interesting that both programs had the same narrative: Israel is losing in Lebanon. They were repulsed by a superior electronic defense system when they tried to bomb Iran; and Hamas has reappeared in areas of Gaza IDF believe permanently cleared. They’re losing on all fronts. They’ve lost evidently 4,000 IDF killed in Lebanon. They mask their losses by their errant and indiscriminate bombing of civilian homes and structures…the quintessential Israeli Kabuki Theater.
Israel is losing. Iran has superior military capability according to both gentlemen. Unfortunately, our newly elected president will be totally unaware of these facts via sanitized and inaccurate intelligence which will be handed him. We expended so much weaponry in defending Israel in the Iranian retaliatory attack that Col. Wilkerson doubts we have the arsenal to engage in any extended conflict.
Let that sink in.
Please understand the “ Western response” of Zionism and pro- Israeli support is not necessarily the response of the American people. It is the response of the politicians who are sucking Israel’s collective penis, and the response of the mockingbird media . Same media who are bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical companies to push their poison. I believe most Americans have absolute sympathy for the Palestinian people and are disgusted with Israel’s attacks
interesting and well researched piece, thank you.
it is now clear that the Amsterdam fraccas was an orchestrated mossad op with full, FULL compliance of the Dutch government/police, reminding Us again of the full spectrum compliance by All governments in a "plan" that wriggles like a hooked eel..
Video footage shows frequent pauses in the movement of the mob where repeatedly the same ring leaders give out instruction to the sub groups...
However, what exactly is the intention here?
Obviously creating further friction between "white" and "muslim" a problem seen all over europe and the uk, but the problem is still marginal..
Whilst the white northern european psyche still favours the preferred stance of the zionists, ie "muslim is invader", "they groom and rape your kids" (rotherham) and "they are here to replace us" consumption of this narrative is not total.
Most people just still go about their business brushing shoulders with All fellow people regardless of origin..
One clue may be found in some of the chants of the "israeli" fans: "europes going to burn"
imho things are getting very close to some kind of threshold moment, Nov 19th is important as it signifies the end of an Age, 59 minutes, 59 seconds... then tock
Ages of around 2000 yrs in duration dont have definitve occurence events (arguably) but completion is significant
Understanding that "ordo ab chao" is the recurrent theme and intention casts some light on events like Amsterdam.
It reminds Us that they have dead-lines to keep and that they do not have this in the bag.
They do however have another 2 years +/- to compete the calendar, We are not in any way out of the woods