i followed your comment on todays seemore relevant to israhell delaying not reconsidering, then read this piece You wrote..
off guardian is controlled opposition, it creates the illusion that intelligent discussion will mitigate and resolve the problems we face, much in the same way Ghandi was placed by the rotschilds and India was raped for another few decades, tough realisation?
Re the thesis /antithesis, this is a must read from 2022, these folk were ahead of the curve:
Re israhell, the following link leads to what seems likely the last piece from someone who is arguably the worlds most prominent de-coder of the kabbalah mystery that "they" are all tied into one way or another, this includes media, politics, entertainment, every facet of influence.
kabbalah is the esoteric "magick" that lies at the core of freemasonry, it is numeric, esoteric, occult and its initiates drive toward total subjugation of all earth or are quite happy to destroy it and view that outcome as a "win",
understanding the psycopathy and the captured nature of all the players, wittingly or unwittingly in this opera fantasy of old testament insanity is not an easy thing to embrace...
However as events move Us closer day by day and this "plan" becomes increasingly more obvious engaging and trying to understand it is at the least a minimum requirement..
We are ( ) that close to an event that changes human history into a situation where the very notion of history is forgotten as what remains of Us struggles just to survive, All at the behest of a small group of malcontents with ongoing fantasies of having been mistreated, when in reality Our world would be far better off if their insane plotting had never existed... i digress..
Make Your own mind up, the following link will become clearer when some of his earlier pieces are viewed and context learned..
One of the artwork graphics of Your pieces shows the "cap stone" eye on the pyramid slightly hovering above the main body of the pyramid....
This is exactly, exactly the image that people need to understand... whether the image represents "return" or "first arrival" is debateable, the arrival of the capstone is date encripted into shakespeares sonnets, that code was one way the riddle could be passed down the generations without giving the game away.. (the code points to 2025 into 2027)
On fetching the link for You it seems he`s still going despite the pressure, You cant keep a good man down..
Another profound studier of the red heifer/third temple also suffered attacks circa Aug/Sep 2023 just prior to Oct 7, his work remains and in the current context provides a deep study of the moves, symbology and "magicks" practiced by the death cult We know as "judaism", here let me throw You in at the deep end and see for Yourself what these "people" invoke...
Given Your content seems america focussed i am guessing that is Your location, i do not envy You despite living in the recently jew couped "uk" where We now face mention of "pilot schemes" that involve forcable "vaccination" once gov operatives have forced their way into Our homes.. sadly We are not armed in quite the way You folk are in america, no doubt tho We are "inventive"
In much of this a critical mass of conscious acceptance is required by these monsters in order to push the plan, the next stage/s aim to keep Us so on Our toes as to draw all Our focussed energies toward their plan... difficult times ahead
Lastly and this is suposition on my part, i note You mention maurice strong in this piece, it is possible that in this meddley of shit being foisted upon Us that there are in fact two "satanic" factions, each vying for absolute power, each openly subservient to moloch/molech..
Obama for instance is of the Pharonic lines not "jew", nor was strong, whether the "new comers" merely unwittingly serve the former "jew" interest is again debateable, some study of CJB`s work on karma shifting might illuminate..
Hope this helps, as Someone i respect told me, "each One teach One",
Off-Guardian, as all articles, simply gives me ideas. I'm not much interested in others' analyses today as I'm only interested in my own--that which makes sense to me. Reading provides ideas; the insights come from me for me. I can easily buy that Off-Guardian is controlled opposition--seemingly most everything is in one way or another today.
I must tell you quite honestly...I realize kabbalah is deep and highly esoteric...but it bores me. So, too, does Christianity and the Bible. I'm not disputing that much of our current "problems" don't stem from this basis...I'm simply saying the concepts bore the utter hell out of me.
I'm completely uninterested in superstitions. I realize these concepts are REAL and IMPORTANT to these people...but they bore me. Red calf; green cow. What a bunch of utter drivel and nonsense. Yes...you're quite correct. For THEM, it's real and important, and because of that fact, I need to pay attention and understand the concept at least minimally. It's not my tradition. It has no power over me. God knows why I'm here as I appear to be an observer more than anything these days.
We have lived so far longer than we can even envision let alone imagine. The ages and temples come and go. Religions flourish and wither. Morals flame and die. Ages and epochs continue. Man continues for his own development and final emancipation from the physical. However, contrary to those who hate physicality with a passion, I see the inherent justification for and need for man to endure physicality and cement his spirituality with this anchor. Otherwise, spirituality is hairy fairy stuff. Steiner makes the most sense to me lately. Of course, he's inscrutable in so many of his writings, and I'm not psychic in his manner.
Far better that we intuitively grasp the evil individual in front of us. Few do. Those are invariably the ones we read about in news stories who "gave the shirt off their back" or "trusted someone" for one reason or another and ended up with a slit throat. This is also why a goodly number of people can't perceive the genocide in Gaza. Of course, Hamas isn't any prize either. They need each other since they're two sides of the same coin. It's simply depressing because the game is so obvious today, and few seem to grasp this concept. I feel I'm watching an afternoon soap opera. Or "Waiting for Godot." Time is standing still, and I'm bored to be quite honest.
Then, I realize yet again that these games mean a great deal for some humans and that they're deriving their lessons from their perceptions, passions, and interests.
I think the coronocircus link quite good. I will peruse at a later date. The other link looks quite good, too. In fact, all links look good and will give them a go. Knowledge is power.
Factions are more plain to me. Much as a military commander looks at the battle field. I highly suspect that the Hidden Hand Q&A from many years ago is true with a great deal omitted. However, with perception and intuition, much can be gained out of it. There was also a great deal of obfuscation and misdirection. Again, intuition serves well. The barometer of truth. Just like looking at someone's face tells one a great deal.
Sometimes they give themselves away. Upon reading the Deagel 2025 forecast for the first time, I came across an extremely personal remark in the "Explanation" section in regard to the U.S. which was my first indication of factions. "Running the bitch U.S. off the world stage" or words to that effect. My, my. Such language.
The "factions" are all within "the Family bloodlines."
What they admire above all is strength. They are born, tested, and trained to become nothing but servers of kabbalah-istic (as you say) control and strength to enforce their will. Magic does reside in those spheres. However, magic is simply spirituality unperceived or unknown.
My personal thoughts don't invalidate yours. Obama may be from a Pharonic line, but that fact holds little significance for me. He was used and placed quite effectively in this age, and like most puppets, he assumes he has real power. Ms. Clinton is dissolving before our very eyes. Certainly she can see her face dissembling as I do? Too bad her "magic" isn't protecting her.
Thanks again for the suggestions on reading and viewing.
The sheer kaleidoscope of directions that We are attacked from is indeed dazzling, it is meant to be.
The corornacircus article is "seminal", never have i encountered something so timely, on point and has utterly stood the test of time.
The importance of the kabbalic plan is entwined with the elements of what constitutes "life" as We have been brainwashed to see it, We have been taught binary physical/non physical as a definitive barrier, when this is not the case..
The "scientific" realm of medicine (pharmakoa, greek to deceive, poison, black magick),
physis (physics) the nature/s of the physical, biological, spiritual realm..
example "man on the moon", bascially messing with the masses concept of the "world" We live upon/in..
i find steinner`s history interesting, he seems to have been a member of the blavatsky, crowley movement messing with channeling and drawing down what is known as "aiwass", unlike the others he went the opposite direction and seemed to wish to alert humanity to the predicament, rather than benefit from it in the short term.
Whether We choose to look or not there is a battle taking place involving deity entities, with Us poor fools as collateral/damage and some among Us who have sold their Souls for a brief stiint at the "top spot", clinton being a prime example, no amount of "chickens for moloch" can wash away "her" guilt..
Factionality may be considered when We consider the result of 2000 years of abrahamic bs has resulted in the dessication, the evaporation even of the "old gods" some of whom are benign, some less so, but none so blood thirsty as the "one true god" piece of shit "yahweh/jehovah" a re-named "god" with two faces previously ( i am of the opinion) named as "janus"..
The relevance of "janus" brings Us back to the issue of the "vaccine" and their intended role in forcing tha mass consciouness of humanity in a singular, dark, terminal direction.
i hope You find the links interesting as time allows You,
All the best :0)
post script
Lastly, the entire premise of all events is to bring about despair and complete lack of connection to the physical world We inhabit and continually inhabit, repeatedly, that concept is by far the most required to digest..
If You are not returning here when You die, then where are You going...?
Ah! You've nailed it. "...the entire premise of all events is to bring about despair and complete lack of connection to the physical world We inhabit and continually inhabit...."
Steiner purportedly turned away from Blavatsky's school to incorporate Christianity as he saw it. Even more, to incorporate The Christ or Christed One who's advent is, supposedly, unique in this passage of time. I must admit: when I read his words, Christianity takes on a wholly new form, but I can't get past the "one true god bullsh*t" under which I was trained and most people pervade today. They speak of Steiner, but their words reside in 2024 material language. Steiner, for me, envisions an entirely new realm where the meanings of traditional words have changed if we read him carefully.
Of course, Steiner notoriously predicted a vaccine which would separate the soul from the individual human in a 100 years or so which was right on the money.
The vaccine isn't the only test so many are currently failing. Accepting AI is also another fail. They don't "get it" and don't take care. They're not strict with themselves. I learned this principle well in practicing Buddhism. Life is strict. It's "either-or" and no "in-betweens." In-betweens don't exist. People just don't understand. Karma is heavily involved at this stage because such interaction is teaching and training AI, and the consequences will be dire.
Yes, you're correct. From the materialist's perspective, to die is eternal death. An extremely elementary level of understanding. Yet, the "elités" adopt this view, and they strive to allow this physical-world consciousness to indefinitely persist. Their viewpoint, since they largely shape the world, allows materialism to dominate as the leading construct. The question "Who am I if I'm not material?" leads to a dungeon. Steiner called this world "the 8th Sphere" where the soul separates from the human. Some say the soul resides there for all eternity, and some say the soul disintegrates and begins anew from the starting point. I always believe in the possibility of redemption.
I've noted the "sheer kaleidoscope of directions that We are attacked from" have definitely increased in the last few decades. People are now bombarded. Look at the "imminent" possibility of nuclear "catastrophe" from either Ukraine or the Middle East. People have to shut out much simply to live, but shutting out allows the stagnation of the spirit and failure to engage wholly in "the test."
i followed your comment on todays seemore relevant to israhell delaying not reconsidering, then read this piece You wrote..
off guardian is controlled opposition, it creates the illusion that intelligent discussion will mitigate and resolve the problems we face, much in the same way Ghandi was placed by the rotschilds and India was raped for another few decades, tough realisation?
Re the thesis /antithesis, this is a must read from 2022, these folk were ahead of the curve:
Re israhell, the following link leads to what seems likely the last piece from someone who is arguably the worlds most prominent de-coder of the kabbalah mystery that "they" are all tied into one way or another, this includes media, politics, entertainment, every facet of influence.
kabbalah is the esoteric "magick" that lies at the core of freemasonry, it is numeric, esoteric, occult and its initiates drive toward total subjugation of all earth or are quite happy to destroy it and view that outcome as a "win",
understanding the psycopathy and the captured nature of all the players, wittingly or unwittingly in this opera fantasy of old testament insanity is not an easy thing to embrace...
However as events move Us closer day by day and this "plan" becomes increasingly more obvious engaging and trying to understand it is at the least a minimum requirement..
We are ( ) that close to an event that changes human history into a situation where the very notion of history is forgotten as what remains of Us struggles just to survive, All at the behest of a small group of malcontents with ongoing fantasies of having been mistreated, when in reality Our world would be far better off if their insane plotting had never existed... i digress..
Make Your own mind up, the following link will become clearer when some of his earlier pieces are viewed and context learned..
One of the artwork graphics of Your pieces shows the "cap stone" eye on the pyramid slightly hovering above the main body of the pyramid....
This is exactly, exactly the image that people need to understand... whether the image represents "return" or "first arrival" is debateable, the arrival of the capstone is date encripted into shakespeares sonnets, that code was one way the riddle could be passed down the generations without giving the game away.. (the code points to 2025 into 2027)
On fetching the link for You it seems he`s still going despite the pressure, You cant keep a good man down..
Another profound studier of the red heifer/third temple also suffered attacks circa Aug/Sep 2023 just prior to Oct 7, his work remains and in the current context provides a deep study of the moves, symbology and "magicks" practiced by the death cult We know as "judaism", here let me throw You in at the deep end and see for Yourself what these "people" invoke...
trumps intended role in a 2 minute video from the rabinical pov:
Given Your content seems america focussed i am guessing that is Your location, i do not envy You despite living in the recently jew couped "uk" where We now face mention of "pilot schemes" that involve forcable "vaccination" once gov operatives have forced their way into Our homes.. sadly We are not armed in quite the way You folk are in america, no doubt tho We are "inventive"
In much of this a critical mass of conscious acceptance is required by these monsters in order to push the plan, the next stage/s aim to keep Us so on Our toes as to draw all Our focussed energies toward their plan... difficult times ahead
Lastly and this is suposition on my part, i note You mention maurice strong in this piece, it is possible that in this meddley of shit being foisted upon Us that there are in fact two "satanic" factions, each vying for absolute power, each openly subservient to moloch/molech..
Obama for instance is of the Pharonic lines not "jew", nor was strong, whether the "new comers" merely unwittingly serve the former "jew" interest is again debateable, some study of CJB`s work on karma shifting might illuminate..
Hope this helps, as Someone i respect told me, "each One teach One",
Thanks for your comment. I appreciate it.
Off-Guardian, as all articles, simply gives me ideas. I'm not much interested in others' analyses today as I'm only interested in my own--that which makes sense to me. Reading provides ideas; the insights come from me for me. I can easily buy that Off-Guardian is controlled opposition--seemingly most everything is in one way or another today.
I must tell you quite honestly...I realize kabbalah is deep and highly esoteric...but it bores me. So, too, does Christianity and the Bible. I'm not disputing that much of our current "problems" don't stem from this basis...I'm simply saying the concepts bore the utter hell out of me.
I'm completely uninterested in superstitions. I realize these concepts are REAL and IMPORTANT to these people...but they bore me. Red calf; green cow. What a bunch of utter drivel and nonsense. Yes...you're quite correct. For THEM, it's real and important, and because of that fact, I need to pay attention and understand the concept at least minimally. It's not my tradition. It has no power over me. God knows why I'm here as I appear to be an observer more than anything these days.
We have lived so far longer than we can even envision let alone imagine. The ages and temples come and go. Religions flourish and wither. Morals flame and die. Ages and epochs continue. Man continues for his own development and final emancipation from the physical. However, contrary to those who hate physicality with a passion, I see the inherent justification for and need for man to endure physicality and cement his spirituality with this anchor. Otherwise, spirituality is hairy fairy stuff. Steiner makes the most sense to me lately. Of course, he's inscrutable in so many of his writings, and I'm not psychic in his manner.
Far better that we intuitively grasp the evil individual in front of us. Few do. Those are invariably the ones we read about in news stories who "gave the shirt off their back" or "trusted someone" for one reason or another and ended up with a slit throat. This is also why a goodly number of people can't perceive the genocide in Gaza. Of course, Hamas isn't any prize either. They need each other since they're two sides of the same coin. It's simply depressing because the game is so obvious today, and few seem to grasp this concept. I feel I'm watching an afternoon soap opera. Or "Waiting for Godot." Time is standing still, and I'm bored to be quite honest.
Then, I realize yet again that these games mean a great deal for some humans and that they're deriving their lessons from their perceptions, passions, and interests.
I think the coronocircus link quite good. I will peruse at a later date. The other link looks quite good, too. In fact, all links look good and will give them a go. Knowledge is power.
Factions are more plain to me. Much as a military commander looks at the battle field. I highly suspect that the Hidden Hand Q&A from many years ago is true with a great deal omitted. However, with perception and intuition, much can be gained out of it. There was also a great deal of obfuscation and misdirection. Again, intuition serves well. The barometer of truth. Just like looking at someone's face tells one a great deal.
Sometimes they give themselves away. Upon reading the Deagel 2025 forecast for the first time, I came across an extremely personal remark in the "Explanation" section in regard to the U.S. which was my first indication of factions. "Running the bitch U.S. off the world stage" or words to that effect. My, my. Such language.
The "factions" are all within "the Family bloodlines."
What they admire above all is strength. They are born, tested, and trained to become nothing but servers of kabbalah-istic (as you say) control and strength to enforce their will. Magic does reside in those spheres. However, magic is simply spirituality unperceived or unknown.
My personal thoughts don't invalidate yours. Obama may be from a Pharonic line, but that fact holds little significance for me. He was used and placed quite effectively in this age, and like most puppets, he assumes he has real power. Ms. Clinton is dissolving before our very eyes. Certainly she can see her face dissembling as I do? Too bad her "magic" isn't protecting her.
Thanks again for the suggestions on reading and viewing.
You are very welcome,
The sheer kaleidoscope of directions that We are attacked from is indeed dazzling, it is meant to be.
The corornacircus article is "seminal", never have i encountered something so timely, on point and has utterly stood the test of time.
The importance of the kabbalic plan is entwined with the elements of what constitutes "life" as We have been brainwashed to see it, We have been taught binary physical/non physical as a definitive barrier, when this is not the case..
The "scientific" realm of medicine (pharmakoa, greek to deceive, poison, black magick),
physis (physics) the nature/s of the physical, biological, spiritual realm..
example "man on the moon", bascially messing with the masses concept of the "world" We live upon/in..
i find steinner`s history interesting, he seems to have been a member of the blavatsky, crowley movement messing with channeling and drawing down what is known as "aiwass", unlike the others he went the opposite direction and seemed to wish to alert humanity to the predicament, rather than benefit from it in the short term.
Whether We choose to look or not there is a battle taking place involving deity entities, with Us poor fools as collateral/damage and some among Us who have sold their Souls for a brief stiint at the "top spot", clinton being a prime example, no amount of "chickens for moloch" can wash away "her" guilt..
Factionality may be considered when We consider the result of 2000 years of abrahamic bs has resulted in the dessication, the evaporation even of the "old gods" some of whom are benign, some less so, but none so blood thirsty as the "one true god" piece of shit "yahweh/jehovah" a re-named "god" with two faces previously ( i am of the opinion) named as "janus"..
The relevance of "janus" brings Us back to the issue of the "vaccine" and their intended role in forcing tha mass consciouness of humanity in a singular, dark, terminal direction.
i hope You find the links interesting as time allows You,
All the best :0)
post script
Lastly, the entire premise of all events is to bring about despair and complete lack of connection to the physical world We inhabit and continually inhabit, repeatedly, that concept is by far the most required to digest..
If You are not returning here when You die, then where are You going...?
Fascinating response!!!
Ah! You've nailed it. "...the entire premise of all events is to bring about despair and complete lack of connection to the physical world We inhabit and continually inhabit...."
Steiner purportedly turned away from Blavatsky's school to incorporate Christianity as he saw it. Even more, to incorporate The Christ or Christed One who's advent is, supposedly, unique in this passage of time. I must admit: when I read his words, Christianity takes on a wholly new form, but I can't get past the "one true god bullsh*t" under which I was trained and most people pervade today. They speak of Steiner, but their words reside in 2024 material language. Steiner, for me, envisions an entirely new realm where the meanings of traditional words have changed if we read him carefully.
Of course, Steiner notoriously predicted a vaccine which would separate the soul from the individual human in a 100 years or so which was right on the money.
The vaccine isn't the only test so many are currently failing. Accepting AI is also another fail. They don't "get it" and don't take care. They're not strict with themselves. I learned this principle well in practicing Buddhism. Life is strict. It's "either-or" and no "in-betweens." In-betweens don't exist. People just don't understand. Karma is heavily involved at this stage because such interaction is teaching and training AI, and the consequences will be dire.
Yes, you're correct. From the materialist's perspective, to die is eternal death. An extremely elementary level of understanding. Yet, the "elités" adopt this view, and they strive to allow this physical-world consciousness to indefinitely persist. Their viewpoint, since they largely shape the world, allows materialism to dominate as the leading construct. The question "Who am I if I'm not material?" leads to a dungeon. Steiner called this world "the 8th Sphere" where the soul separates from the human. Some say the soul resides there for all eternity, and some say the soul disintegrates and begins anew from the starting point. I always believe in the possibility of redemption.
I've noted the "sheer kaleidoscope of directions that We are attacked from" have definitely increased in the last few decades. People are now bombarded. Look at the "imminent" possibility of nuclear "catastrophe" from either Ukraine or the Middle East. People have to shut out much simply to live, but shutting out allows the stagnation of the spirit and failure to engage wholly in "the test."
Many thanks again. Cheers! No need to reply.