The Real Reason for Job Replacement in Western Nations
"Fundamental changes are needed in our values, institutions, and ways of living." ~ Earth Charter, 1992
Let’s connect some dots…and take stock of our current position as Human Beings on Planet Earth.
I encountered a startlingly excellent article by Catte Black entitled “Atlantic mag admits “pandemic” FAILED to brainwash people into “unifying” from the Off-Guardian website ( She thoughtfully critiques an article in The Atlantic written by Francis S. Collins entitled “Why Didn’t Facing a Common Enemy Bring Us Together? As I ran the National Institutes of Health during the pandemic, I learned that something deep within our culture is wrong.”
Ms. Black lists many examples of leaders who complained that the “epidemic” had failed to unite humanity.
The interesting aspect of Dr. Collins’ article is that, as part of the Globalist Order, he reflects one of their prevailing attitudes now. Their hopes and dreams had envisioned an epidemic so terrifying and audacious that Humanity would fold like a cheap suit in a steam bath. Humanity would cry for a Resolution! A Scientific-Solution Savior!!
Remember the Hegelian Dialectic? Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis? What happened? Why weren’t all people willing sheep? Willing to immunize? Willing to shake in fear behind oxygen-starving masks? Willing to wait and tremble within their homes?
Title: “How lawmakers in Texas and Florida undermine Covid vaccination efforts”
Then, we have this edifying video by a MSNBC reporter. “Conservatives are willfully endangering human lives”!!!!
The COVID-19 virus has mutated into the super-contagious delta variant, leading to pandemic surges nationwide. As Republican leaders such as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott make choices for their states that will make it more difficult to battle the pandemic….
Let’s leave the other thousands of other examples.
The Globalist Order (aka WEF aka The Illuminati aka New World Order) is vastly disappointed. Poor Klaus. His opportunity for a Grand Reset never before envisioned didn’t materialized for the Globalist Order.
First dot connected:
Globalists are looking for a grand event in which to herd all Human Beings into a corral whereby they do so peacefully. Caution: this preference may die a hard death sometime soon. However, right now—today—September 19, 2024—as we sit here mired in wars which could destabilize Europe and the Middle East, they prefer to have YOU willingly embrace your enclosure and imprisonment.
Stay sharp, folks. Get rid of your brain fog whether or not with EDTA/Vitamin C, a spike protocol, or whatever you choose. Get rid of your brain fog and lethargy. The “Covid pandemic” and all health-related flotsam since is to fog your mind, will to live, and make your agreeable.
As Ms. Black points out in her article:
The “global unity” project did not work as intended. In fact by 2021 it was falling apart due to narrative inconsistencies and simple grassroots resistance on a level not accounted for.
Perhaps, as many critics contend, the Globalist Order pushed their agenda too soon and with little understanding of the true dynamics of a Human Being.
Second dot connected:
Stop for a moment. Where have we heard in the remote memory of our minds the echos of a global cataclysm “unifying mankind?”
You’re correct. Club of Rome. 1991.
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap of mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself. – Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution, 1991
In looking for material and background for this substack, I encountered an extraordinary website called Jeremiah Project ( I’m not into Christianity, but I know good resources and references when I see them.
The site posts this video from which the first picture above comes. I had never seen the video, but I assure the reader that I well spent the 8 minutes to view it. In fact, the video is so heretical that YouTube doesn’t remove its warning imposed on the video throughout playback.
Maurice Strong, described as a “New Age guru,” before “New Age” meant gazing into your belly button, says in the video:
The real goal of the Earth Charter is that it will, in fact, become like the Ten Commandments.
Here’s where we get to the payload. Maurice also advises, so long ago, that:
Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle-class—involving high meat intake, the use of fossil fuels, electrical appliances, home and work-place air conditioning, and suburban housing—are not sustainable.
Of course, for Maurice…and Klaus…and anyone named Rockefeller or Rothschild…an even greater lifestyle is eminently sustainable, but the impassioned Globalist pleas and denunciations never professed logic outside of their warped version of noblesse oblige based on feudalism. Upon reading the 1992 Earth Charter, we readily see that no evidence is presented; no citations given; and, indeed, nothing but powerful and emotionally driven declarations given within barely contained hysteria.
Thus, let’s look at the areas of Human life currently being attacked today. Isn’t everything conveyed in Maurice’s statement on the Globalist’s agenda occurring largely via unelected officials? Some people scoff at the conspiracy theorist’s “New World Order” driven by unelected bureaucrats well titillated by power, prestige, and money.
This example, so recently well covered in the news lately, provides a striking look at the Earth Charter in action. How’s “peace, security, freedom, and the rule of law” (his words) working out for the folks in Charleroi, Pennsylvania and Springfield, Ohio?
Third dot connected:
The most current revelations don’t involve cats and dogs. Recent allegations by a WSJ writer is that “personnel agencies,” supplying huge conglomerates like Fourth Street Foods in both areas, are human trafficking low-skilled personnel willing to work for substandard wages. Her name is Asra A. Nomani, and her article is entitled “Exclusive: Feds and State AG Investigate an Alleged Human Trafficking Empire Run in Springfield, Ohio, for Years by ‘King George’.”
In a nutshell:
The story in this town is not about cats or dogs. It’s about mules. It’s a twin tragedy of migrant workers from Haiti exploited and locals from Springfield marginalized. Just about every week since 2019, First Diversity Staffing Group Inc. has shuttled vulnerable Haitian migrants in unmarked white Ford and Chevy vans from Florida to Ohio, where they are allegedly exploited for cheap labor by companies like Dole Food Company Inc. It is a secretive and sinister operation that has gone unchecked for more than five years. The mastermind behind this scheme lives in a $1.35 million mansion on Pawleys Plantation Court. His name is George Ten, but in that underworld, his nickname is "King George," because of his opulent lifestyle of luxury cars, cash handouts and fast-talk. For years, he has operated his reign of alleged exploitation openly and freely out of a former mansion on E. High Street.
Here’s how the operation works.
In the morning, drivers in the white vans would pick up the men at their homes or at the First Diversity offices at the E. High Street mansion, painted a muted tan, and deposit them at the far end of town in the distribution center, where companies like Dole Foods hired them at cheap rates.
How cheap? A Haitian worker says that he makes $12.50/hour by signing with these “personnel agencies.”
One Haitian man I interviewed asked to be anonymous for fear of retaliation and recalled how he was picked up by a driver for one of Ten’s vans on a street corner near a Winn-Dixie grocery store in Immokalee, Florida. After the long journey to Springfield, he was dropped off at a rundown home on Rice Street, infested with cockroaches. He soon found work through First Diversity at Jefferson Industries Corporation, earning $12.50 an hour; he didn’t know how much George skimmed off his wages. The home he lived in had no working heat, and he bought an electric heater to survive the cold Ohio winter, the heater barely heating his room.
From the Jefferson Industries Corporation website in West Jefferson, Ohio:
As the North American headquarters for G-TEKT Corporation, Jefferson Industries actively participates in the Global Automotive Industry. As part of our involvement, Jefferson Industries Corporation offers design and development for press dies and other tools necessary to produce automotive products.
Ms. Nomani appears more concerned with the actual migrants themselves. While I don’t disparage their suffering, I’m far more interested in WHO’S ACTUALLY FINANCING AND MOVING THESE PEOPLE. So far we have three names: Fourth Street Foods; Dole Corporation; and Jefferson Industries Corporation.
Ladies and gentlemen, these are the entities marginalizing formerly more affluent middle-class Americans and destroying societal stability by importing numbers of migrants far in excess of a country, state, county, or city’s ability to help integrate them. Moreover, the very citizens being marginalized are the very citizens paying for this integration which works totally against their own interests.
I would submit that Fourth Street Foods, Dole Corporation, and Jefferson Industries Corporation should bare the brunt of these financial drains.
You might be interested in the first few minutes of this video which describes how the white vans run during the work week in Charleroi, Pennsylvania, with Haitians to Fourth Street Foods.
Among Ms. Nomani’s opening sentences was: “It’s a twin tragedy of migrant workers from Haiti exploited and locals from Springfield marginalized.”
The “affluent middle class” has been lamented as “disappeared.” The days when the vast middle-class 1950s family hopped in their car for a summer-vacation week on the lake have disappeared as assuredly as the lured immigrant has appeared.
Here’s a good video which shows, in 5 minutes, what’s happened to “real wages.” Policies enacted by governments have favored those in the 1% who see wealth augmenting faster than they can count based upon an economy with a heavy debt burden; business debt hasn’t produced real growth and, therefore, real wages since the 1970s. Supposedly, the 1% were to take their new-found wealth in this century, caused by policies favoring asset growth, "and “were supposed to spend this new-found net worth in the economy jumpstarting the economic cycle…. Boosting asset prices was always the plan.”
Well…that didn’t happen. Where’d the money go?
Were the debt burdens taken on by businesses to finance not business on their home soil but rather business in China…Malaysia…Vietnam…Brazil…Nigeria…? The huge nasty fart of air called “globalization” which benefitted only the rarified 1% and held businesses worldwide hostage to manipulated manufacturing materials, costs, and facilities?
Again, where has all the “new-found net worth/wealth” from rising asset valuations gone? Perhaps Soros buys some DAs throughout America to destabilize social stability by allowing criminals easy access to the streets within minutes? Perhaps Bill Gates buys up that farmland down the road from you where he’ll experiment with his GMO seeds and pesticides? Perhaps Lockheed or Raytheon develop new weapons designed by DARPA Pentagon R&D?
You can knock another hole in the American worker’s financial health by replacing jobs with foreign unskilled labor. These workers, funded by NGOs in Panama’s Darien Gap with information, maps, and debit cards, have entered freely into the U.S. under Biden’s administration where further NGOs relocate them. The illegal slaves are given free housing, meals, and necessities to “integrate them” into our society. Then, the “personnel agencies” find the demographic their employer desires: very poor; unskilled; desperate. They transport them to places like Charleroi or Springfield.
The other part of the equation is, of course, complete social destabilization to effect this massive integration. From
Locals say the 20,000+ Haitians cannot drive and believe they pose a threat to public safety. No one knows how they are getting driver's licenses and cars so quickly despite them seemingly having no understanding of traffic laws.
With rumors of a "cheat sheet" being given to the Haitians to help them pass their driving test without being qualified, AND an underground black market selling cars to the Haitians, I went down to the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles to see what I could find...
What would you do if you were from Haiti and could easily enter a wealthier country for work? Where the system is already set to work to your advantage? Your country has nothing to offer you except extreme instability, violence, and chaos. Would you care if you marginalized or displaced lower-income residents in that country? Of course not.
The current exchange rate on Haitian currency called the Haitian Gourde or HTG:
1 HTG =
0.00758099 USD
1 USD =
131.905 HTG
From hikersbay:
“Cost of living in Haiti is:
1.40 times lower than in Washington
1.16 times lower than in Jacksonville
1.11 times lower than in Houston
1.20 times lower than in Oklahoma City
1.67 times lower than in New York City
Is food expensive in Haiti?
Food prices in supermarkets are lower than in United States. For example, in Haiti you have to pay for:
Bottle or carton of milk (1 liter): 0.01 USD (2.00 HTG)
Popular yellow cheese (1 kg): 0.07 USD (9.00 HTG)
A bottle of beer from a known brand: 0.01 USD (1.50 HTG)
A sausage or cold cuts (1 kg): 0.19 USD (25 HTG)
A mid-range wine (one bottle): 0.06 USD (7.50 HTG)”
Do you see why working for Dole or Fourth Street Foods would benefit Haitians if they’re sending money home? As the video on Charleroi indicated, Western Union’s are sprouting in Haitian immigrant communities. Just as the Mexicans before them, they will send money out of the country neither benefitting their local or state economies to the degree post-industrialized Americans did. Money which stayed in the local communities benefitted those communities and made stronger communities and ties among people.
In short, ladies and gentlemen, job replacement is an extremely effective tool Maurice Strong’s ilk is using to eviscerate the formerly “affluent middle class” whom they felt lived so unsustainably. This is how its happening: through job replacement in areas like Charleroi and Springfield. In areas where large corporations can set up facilities and hire slave labor. Rural areas with rural people who have nothing with which to fight back. Local city governments fed the hopium that large immigrant invasions will broaden their tax base and provide new life in a Rusted Belt dying a natural death. Laughing out loud. Why in hell do you think corporations like those named continue operations in these areas? This scheme works like a charm! Why would these large corporations like Tyson Foods fall in love with these “loyal” immigrants? Tyson can’t wait to hire many, many more.
Here’s the real kicker. These corporate entities will lower wages at their first opportunity. This is exactly what they did to their first subset of employees: their post-industrial American worker. Perhaps the death knell will sound when AI-driven robots become so cheap and sophisticated that they work and manage factories. Sayonara, Haitians!
Our American founding documents are dangerous, indeed. I’ve added a few changes in bold. From our Declaration of Independence:
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such New World Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these peoples; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of lapsing into New World Government. The history of the network run by the Club of Rome, World Economic Forum, and United Nations is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
i followed your comment on todays seemore relevant to israhell delaying not reconsidering, then read this piece You wrote..
off guardian is controlled opposition, it creates the illusion that intelligent discussion will mitigate and resolve the problems we face, much in the same way Ghandi was placed by the rotschilds and India was raped for another few decades, tough realisation?
Re the thesis /antithesis, this is a must read from 2022, these folk were ahead of the curve:
Re israhell, the following link leads to what seems likely the last piece from someone who is arguably the worlds most prominent de-coder of the kabbalah mystery that "they" are all tied into one way or another, this includes media, politics, entertainment, every facet of influence.
kabbalah is the esoteric "magick" that lies at the core of freemasonry, it is numeric, esoteric, occult and its initiates drive toward total subjugation of all earth or are quite happy to destroy it and view that outcome as a "win",
understanding the psycopathy and the captured nature of all the players, wittingly or unwittingly in this opera fantasy of old testament insanity is not an easy thing to embrace...
However as events move Us closer day by day and this "plan" becomes increasingly more obvious engaging and trying to understand it is at the least a minimum requirement..
We are ( ) that close to an event that changes human history into a situation where the very notion of history is forgotten as what remains of Us struggles just to survive, All at the behest of a small group of malcontents with ongoing fantasies of having been mistreated, when in reality Our world would be far better off if their insane plotting had never existed... i digress..
Make Your own mind up, the following link will become clearer when some of his earlier pieces are viewed and context learned..
One of the artwork graphics of Your pieces shows the "cap stone" eye on the pyramid slightly hovering above the main body of the pyramid....
This is exactly, exactly the image that people need to understand... whether the image represents "return" or "first arrival" is debateable, the arrival of the capstone is date encripted into shakespeares sonnets, that code was one way the riddle could be passed down the generations without giving the game away.. (the code points to 2025 into 2027)
On fetching the link for You it seems he`s still going despite the pressure, You cant keep a good man down..
Another profound studier of the red heifer/third temple also suffered attacks circa Aug/Sep 2023 just prior to Oct 7, his work remains and in the current context provides a deep study of the moves, symbology and "magicks" practiced by the death cult We know as "judaism", here let me throw You in at the deep end and see for Yourself what these "people" invoke...
trumps intended role in a 2 minute video from the rabinical pov:
Given Your content seems america focussed i am guessing that is Your location, i do not envy You despite living in the recently jew couped "uk" where We now face mention of "pilot schemes" that involve forcable "vaccination" once gov operatives have forced their way into Our homes.. sadly We are not armed in quite the way You folk are in america, no doubt tho We are "inventive"
In much of this a critical mass of conscious acceptance is required by these monsters in order to push the plan, the next stage/s aim to keep Us so on Our toes as to draw all Our focussed energies toward their plan... difficult times ahead
Lastly and this is suposition on my part, i note You mention maurice strong in this piece, it is possible that in this meddley of shit being foisted upon Us that there are in fact two "satanic" factions, each vying for absolute power, each openly subservient to moloch/molech..
Obama for instance is of the Pharonic lines not "jew", nor was strong, whether the "new comers" merely unwittingly serve the former "jew" interest is again debateable, some study of CJB`s work on karma shifting might illuminate..
Hope this helps, as Someone i respect told me, "each One teach One",