Me: If we cannot abjure ourselves from the passions of hate and war to protect against and deny a military force the access to slaughter children in this manner, we have failed as a nation.
"Conservators are using African honey bees to stave off confrontation between growing human and elephant populations in and around Ngutuni Wildlife Conservancy in Kenya. The area's 15,000 elephants are a major draw for tourists but are loathed by local farmers "
There is something new that must be taken into consideration. The Biden Administration has just approved long range missile attacks on Russia. In fact the United States has just effectively bombed Russian territory. Think about that! Think about what would happen if Russia was waging a proxy war against the United States through Mexico or Canada. Think about what would happen if Russia were to effectively bomb American territory.
This post is not an endorsement of Trump. It is a post about the malignant and evil policy of the Biden Administration. Comprehend the fact that the current administration is risking WW3 to punish people for voting for Trump and to sabotage any effort, real or imagined, of Trump to end the proxy war against Russia. I will also add that there is no reason to believe that a Harris administration would be better on Iran or would not effectively endorse the annexation and settlement of Gaza and the West Bank by the Zionist. The only only difference between a Harris administration and a Trump administration in this respect, is the Trump administration is going to do it without the base element of hypocrisy.
I think you're 100% correct: "The only only difference between a Harris administration and a Trump administration in this respect, is the Trump administration is going to do it without the base element of hypocrisy."
Something very peculiar is occurring in our world. I've recently described the phenomenon elsewhere as time standing still. Our time is moving very slowly, in my estimation, compared to world events in my youth. Every event or phenomenon appears as a degraded, undistinguished, grey-tinged feature of life. Wars go on and on and on and on and on--into a twilight of indifference and uncaring.
I marvel at T. S. Eliot. I was brought up in schools which often pointed out that true artists of any genre possessed the genius=muse and frequently foretold the future. I separate quoted poetic lines with an "/" because, otherwise, the formatting here creates large spaces between lines.
"Under the brown fog of a winter dawn,/ A crowd flowed over London Bridge, so many,/ I had not thought death had undone so many./ Sighs, short and infrequent, were exhaled,/ And each man fixed his eyes before his feet./ Flowed up the hill and down King William Street,/ To where Saint Mary Woolnoth kept the hours/ With a dead sound on the final stroke of nine."
"I think we are in rats’ alley/ Where the dead men lost their bones./ ‘What is that noise/ The wind under the door./ ‘What is that noise now? What is the wind doing?’/ Nothing again nothing./ ‘Do/ ‘You know nothing? Do you see nothing? Do you remember/ ‘Nothing?’"
"What is that sound high in the air/ Murmur of maternal lamentation/ Who are those hooded hordes swarming/ Over endless plains, stumbling in cracked earth/ Ringed by the flat horizon only/ What is the city over the mountains/ Cracks and reforms and bursts in the/ violet air/ Falling towers/ Jerusalem Athens Alexandria/ Vienna London/ "
As time slows to nothing...and nothing happens...but it one one cares.
So, Gaza continues.
Whereas, look merely back 75 years ago. Real events occurred. Real people died. Real wars were fought. Here's an example. The Battle of El Alamein fought from Oct. 23 - Nov. 11, 1942. That was IT. 20 DAYS. A battle so decisive that it turned the war. The invasion of Italy became possible
So, when people speak of "magicians" who rule the world, I can believe them from this perspective. Somehow...through an EMF fog? A haze of drugs? A saturation of pleasure and satiation? We live in an unreal world. We have instant communications. Everyone is annoyed with me because I refuse a smart, cell, and otherwise phone. I'm not instantly accessible. We crave human contact even with the speed of constant communication and connection via highly electronic technology; yet, we care so little.
Today, we simply execute people. Gaza is an execution. We're living in an Eliot poem. A lifeless existential dread of people who live, breathe, and die without a murmur.
"This is the way the world ends / Not with a bang but a whimper." How prophetic.
Apropos de rien.
Honeybee: The Times, UK, (not NYNY) reports that
"Conservators are using African honey bees to stave off confrontation between growing human and elephant populations in and around Ngutuni Wildlife Conservancy in Kenya. The area's 15,000 elephants are a major draw for tourists but are loathed by local farmers "
There is something new that must be taken into consideration. The Biden Administration has just approved long range missile attacks on Russia. In fact the United States has just effectively bombed Russian territory. Think about that! Think about what would happen if Russia was waging a proxy war against the United States through Mexico or Canada. Think about what would happen if Russia were to effectively bomb American territory.
This post is not an endorsement of Trump. It is a post about the malignant and evil policy of the Biden Administration. Comprehend the fact that the current administration is risking WW3 to punish people for voting for Trump and to sabotage any effort, real or imagined, of Trump to end the proxy war against Russia. I will also add that there is no reason to believe that a Harris administration would be better on Iran or would not effectively endorse the annexation and settlement of Gaza and the West Bank by the Zionist. The only only difference between a Harris administration and a Trump administration in this respect, is the Trump administration is going to do it without the base element of hypocrisy.
I think you're 100% correct: "The only only difference between a Harris administration and a Trump administration in this respect, is the Trump administration is going to do it without the base element of hypocrisy."
Something very peculiar is occurring in our world. I've recently described the phenomenon elsewhere as time standing still. Our time is moving very slowly, in my estimation, compared to world events in my youth. Every event or phenomenon appears as a degraded, undistinguished, grey-tinged feature of life. Wars go on and on and on and on and on--into a twilight of indifference and uncaring.
I marvel at T. S. Eliot. I was brought up in schools which often pointed out that true artists of any genre possessed the genius=muse and frequently foretold the future. I separate quoted poetic lines with an "/" because, otherwise, the formatting here creates large spaces between lines.
"Under the brown fog of a winter dawn,/ A crowd flowed over London Bridge, so many,/ I had not thought death had undone so many./ Sighs, short and infrequent, were exhaled,/ And each man fixed his eyes before his feet./ Flowed up the hill and down King William Street,/ To where Saint Mary Woolnoth kept the hours/ With a dead sound on the final stroke of nine."
"I think we are in rats’ alley/ Where the dead men lost their bones./ ‘What is that noise/ The wind under the door./ ‘What is that noise now? What is the wind doing?’/ Nothing again nothing./ ‘Do/ ‘You know nothing? Do you see nothing? Do you remember/ ‘Nothing?’"
"What is that sound high in the air/ Murmur of maternal lamentation/ Who are those hooded hordes swarming/ Over endless plains, stumbling in cracked earth/ Ringed by the flat horizon only/ What is the city over the mountains/ Cracks and reforms and bursts in the/ violet air/ Falling towers/ Jerusalem Athens Alexandria/ Vienna London/ "
As time slows to nothing...and nothing happens...but it one one cares.
So, Gaza continues.
Whereas, look merely back 75 years ago. Real events occurred. Real people died. Real wars were fought. Here's an example. The Battle of El Alamein fought from Oct. 23 - Nov. 11, 1942. That was IT. 20 DAYS. A battle so decisive that it turned the war. The invasion of Italy became possible
So, when people speak of "magicians" who rule the world, I can believe them from this perspective. Somehow...through an EMF fog? A haze of drugs? A saturation of pleasure and satiation? We live in an unreal world. We have instant communications. Everyone is annoyed with me because I refuse a smart, cell, and otherwise phone. I'm not instantly accessible. We crave human contact even with the speed of constant communication and connection via highly electronic technology; yet, we care so little.
Today, we simply execute people. Gaza is an execution. We're living in an Eliot poem. A lifeless existential dread of people who live, breathe, and die without a murmur.
"This is the way the world ends / Not with a bang but a whimper." How prophetic.
I think I'll write a substack along these lines.