The Economist's 2025 World
"Astrologically, at that age, you experience a Saturn return. It is considered an auspicious time to "reboot" your life." ~ Frederick Lenz
I’m behind the times. I just learned about The Economist’s 2025 cover yesterday via Michael Snyder’s article, “A Year Of Chaos: Does A Shocking Magazine Cover Reveal What The Global Elite Have Planned For 2025?”, as reprinted from his blog at ZeroHedge.
Sometimes these covers are intriguing. Many readers allude to great predictions incorporated within the covers, and others simply conclude the images are ultimately nonsense but indicative of what those, allegedly “The Globalists,” who configure the world via power sectors like finances, government, or religion believe will trend. I’m not intrigued by all their covers, but this one looks like a puzzle.
First observation: the central axis of the cover are the three pictures above; the left-side indicates people or events who will lose power and influence in 2025 while the right-hand side indicates people or events who will ascend. All the arrows are down descending on the left-hand side including the small graph arrow pointing a downward trend (extreme upper left). The graphs in the center all indicate upward trends and point to the right. Thus, the entire picture becomes a wheel beginning and ending with Saturn moving counterclockwise showing trends headed down until the first full graph indicates an upward trend near the middle point at the bottom.
General knowledge conveys that many globalist figures stand in back of The Economist. This fellow gives an explanation about why many people, who see such symbology, take a particular notice of these covers. I encountered this video at the Cassiopaea Forum where they undertook a discussion of the cover.
More people understand the covers like PR Newswire does:
LONDON, Nov. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Economist has launched The World Ahead, an annual special year-end issue from The Economist that examines important themes, trends and events that will shape the coming year. The editor's top ten themes for 2025 and the accompanying articles are online today on
The Economist provides Tom Standage’s top ten trends. I don’t find them particularly interesting, but you might.
The intriguing feature of the magazine is that the families in back of the publication are reputed to use occult symbols and mythology, which makes the cover ever more intriguing.
Have you used this site to discard a paywall? The Economist is behind a paywall, but I was able to access the articles via this site:
I found this article, “The three forces that will shape 2025: Watch the interplay between Donald Trump, technology and radical uncertainty” by the Editor-in-Chief, Zanny Minton Beddoes, far more interesting. The essential conclusion he reaches is:
With luck, the most consequential part of Mr Trump’s domestic agenda will lie elsewhere: in a programme to deregulate and reinvent the machinery of government, from drug regulation to military procurement. These reforms will determine how quickly America adopts and diffuses cutting-edge technologies including biotech and AI. Elon Musk will be in charge. His promise to slash the federal budget by $2trn is absurd. But the idea that America needs government reform to maintain its lead in radical new technologies is surely right.
If Mr Trump truly wants to make America great, this is where his administration should focus. It would be ironic if the man who loves tariffs led the charge to accelerate technologies that may eventually reshape or replace many American jobs. But extending America’s lead in AI would do far more to ensure its future prosperity and military security than any other part of the MAGA agenda. Over to you, Elon.
Second observation: The cover seems to indicate the following people, items, or events will be trending down.
Ursula van der Leyen, President of the European Commission, the executive branch of the EU
Ukrainian Volodymyr Zelenskyy [correct spelling evidently], President of Ukraine since 2019
The international radiation symbol as the iris in the “all-seeing eye.” Wikipedia: “The sign is commonly referred to as a radioactivity warning sign….” Will we see the misuse of radioactivity decrease?
Electric vehicles’ popularity will diminish because of the volatile nature of their lithium batteries (shown in the picture) which have an unfortunate tendency to explode creating such high-temperature fires which fire departments can’t extinguish.
The fracturing ballot box will be further investigated and such tendencies brought under investigation with the manipulation of elections diminishing?
Industrial age technology will continue decreasing as high silent smoke stacks might indicate.
Third observation: On the other hand, the right-side pictures indicate these people or events are trending upward:
Donald J. Trump, 47th president-elect and 45th president of the United States, businessman (Republican Party) [credit: Wikipedia]
Question: Does this picture look like Donald Trump?
Here’s another view of Trump’s face on the cover enlarged.
The face appears disjointed and cobbled together. Look at the chin area. The center part of this image called “Trump” appears to be somebody else. If this observation is correct, could combining two faces into one represent Trump’s presidency as governed by a shadowy under layer? My guess—although I can’t find the person in that image—is Elon Musk.
The young bloods from Silicon Valley and their ties within that community will have an extensive voice in this administration. Everyone will applaud any effort made to reduce government, but will we see the unwanted intrusion of AI into our personal lives such as bio-digital ID (biometrics, for example) and CBDCs?
The Trump picture is immediately surrounded by two upward trending graphs; two U.S. dollars signs; a large missile; an Asian eye connected to an hourglass just beginning to pour the sand; a syringe indicating, I think, the advancement of biosynthetic reproduction (the contents of the Covid injection) throughout the world; and an atomic energy symbol with words on papers (agreements?) next also to Putin.
Mr. Beddoes said in his article:
The most important geopolitical choice will be how to deal with China. Though its economy is currently weak, China is both a more aggressive and more formidable adversary than when Mr Trump first became president in 2017. He could swiftly face a crisis in the South China Sea. Whether he assists the Philippines or abandons it will be a key test.
Thus, China’s expanding world influence becomes an overriding focal point for Trump’s new administration just as Xi will be closely watching him as the eye indicates.
Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and paramount leader of China since 2012 [credit: Wikipedia]
President Xi is surrounded with big cities, computer code, and perhaps (I’m unable to identify for certain) a chip or circuit board which may well represent what he largely brings to the table. China is building cities and ports around the world but notably in Eurasia and Africa.
Vladimir Putin, President of Russia (1999-2008, 2012-present) [credit: Wikipedia]
President Putin is surrounded by the atomic energy symbol and written documents. Could an agreement between the U.S. and Russia occur?
This symbol is mystifying. Anyone have any ideas?
The ұ is a “Cyrillic Small Letter Straight U With Stroke” according to Made In Text.
Fourth Observation: The People's Voice explored the cover with these insights:
Prominent symbols highlighted by critics include:
Black-and-Red Color Scheme: Traditionally associated with power, control, and occult themes, the stark contrast of these colors has been interpreted as a deliberate choice to signal upheaval or authoritarian dominance.
Saturn Symbolism: Saturn has long been a key motif in occult and esoteric traditions, often representing cycles of control, discipline, or authoritarianism.
One-Eye Imagery: Frequently tied to secret societies and surveillance states, the one-eye symbol is a recurring motif that many associate with globalist agendas.
Hourglass: Seen as a reference to the passage of time, some interpret it as alluding to imminent societal shifts or events linked to a “countdown.”
Technocratic Elements: Representations of technology, including grids or digital motifs, point to a future increasingly dominated by AI and centralized control mechanisms.
Brick Wall and Fences: Possibly symbolizing division, barriers, 15 minute cities or the construction of new ideological or physical frameworks.
Fifth observation: Who is the woman at the bottom of the cover? Why is she in this place which begins the trending-up people and sectors for 2025? She appears to be a fulcrum between the trending down and up sides much as Trump is the fulcrum, reading vertically, within the middle between Saturn and this woman.
I was surprised when the Cassiopaea Forum identified the woman at the bottom as Jane Austen. Then, confirmed the identification. I searched for Jane Austen.
I found in my most of my web searches almost no interpretation of Jane Austen’s presence. The most frequent interpretation was a combination of the resistance symbol immediately to her right with her significance within a more feminist world. Is The Economist hoaxing people who investigate their cover? Seems unlikely. If not, what importance could Jane bring to understanding trends in 2025?
Bless Brave’s AI. The following are the topics they listed when I searched at Brave: pioneering novelist; timeless relevance; social commentary; influence on literature; adaptions and reinterpretations; cultural icon; feminist significance; historical significance; educational value; and enduring popularity.
I firmly believe we each need to seek the truth for ourselves and devise an interpretation which is meaningful to us. Mine follows.
I looked for someone who might point me toward Austen’s most important significance. The Collector says:
In 1981, one of the twentieth century’s most influential philosophers, Alasdair MacIntyre, wrote in his seminal work After Virtue that Jane Austen was “the last great representative of the classical tradition of the virtues… because she unites the Christian and Aristotelian moral traditions masterfully.”
Wanting to understand the “classical tradition of the virtues,” I found in Brewminate a definition.
According to ancient Greek philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, virtues are character states of the soul in its harmony and are related to happiness or well-being (eudaimonia) as their goal….
And virtues? From Orion Philosophy:
Virtue, according to the Greek philosopher Socrates, is the most crucial attribute for a person to possess. He thought that virtue was the key to our happiness and well-being and that it was not only important but crucial for one to have a satisfying and meaningful life.
Socrates also held that virtue and knowledge were inextricably linked, and that virtue might be developed by acquiring knowledge and insight. Wisdom is another term used for this development in insight and understanding, which we’ll discuss later.
According to Socrates, persons who lack wisdom and have a limited understanding of themselves and the world are more inclined to act in ways that are hurtful or unfair, whereas those who are smart and have a comprehensive understanding of both are more likely to act virtuously. As a result, he came to believe that wisdom was the only virtue and ignorance was the single source of all evil.
If our Jane Austen stands on the cover between those people/events who will experience a downward trend this next year and the people/events who will experience an upward trend or define new morals for our era, we are looking at the Chinese, Russians, and Americans as defining a new world order which focuses on unending war and destruction (USCENTCOM); biosynthetic reproduction of humans as well as foods, plants, and animals; and essentially an atheistic society upon which artificial values and traditions can be placed.
Perhaps The Economist is saying that our values will determine the outcome of our 2025 more than ever.
In the last year, we witnessed some harrowing sights which attest to the world’s current lack of moral fiber. What might we see continuing on an upward trend?
The value of human life will be cheap as in Gaza.
The value of human interaction with the land and intimate knowledge of earth will be curtailed.
We now have a wedge driven between humankind and the goodness of the earth as we know her. Animals, birds, and bees are to be feared as plague carriers. Foods have become “frankenstein foods” pumped up on glyphosate and GMOs. Many attempts (involving large sums of money) have been made to replace true meat with insect protein. The Covid injections have summarily hijacked humanity’s immune systems leading to catastrophic illness and death. The same technology is present in the air we breathe and the water we drink.
All of these developments have occurred by lack of virtue. The proponents profess noble and humanitarian justifications, but in truth, their products and outcomes have injured humankind and derailed us.
The Chinese, whose hourglass is just beginning to drain sand or whose time is just beginning, propel this idea most forcefully. With their 24/7 surveillance and social credit score system, morality becomes that system of behavior enforced by the State.
Sixth Observation: How should we interpret Saturn at the top of the axis with Jane at the bottom? Jane indicates the abandoning of her society, culture, and moral system while Saturn initiates the downward spiral and influences the upward trending events. Trump is center; thus, I would expect to find his agenda influenced by Saturn.
As those in back of The Economist are said to rely on ritual and symbology, I interpreted Saturn in this light.
In the Illuminati Watcher, I found this association with Saturn.
The Beast Aleister Crowley left a heritage of Thelema followers and one of them was the Brotherhood of Saturn. This magical order was similar to the other occult groups, whether it be New Age, Freemasonry or Thelema; they all revolve around the idea of mastery of occult knowledge (e.g. axioms like “As above, so below” which emphasize the duality aspects of man and world) in order to advance and evolve one’s self in a series of steps and rituals. The Brotherhood of Saturn incorporates 33 steps to achieve the full spectrum of enlightenment, similar to Scottish Rite of Freemasonry who also incorporates 33 degrees. The end of the path for a member of the Brotherhood of Saturn is self-deification, an important concept in Thelema and seen in the realm of music with musicians making themselves god-like (e.g. Kanye West = Yeezus, Jay-Z = Hova, Beyonce = Beysus, etc.).
Thus, morality turns from a human perspective into “another” which incorporates standing apart from humankind and human kindness.
Self-deification is the transhumanist impulse to achieve everlasting life but only that life which is material. The spiritual world is shunned and denied although anyone who has meditated, prayed, or chanted knows a spiritual aspect exists to human life. For the transhumanist, greater power arises from uploading consciousness into computer clouds and melding human and machine. This is self-deification.
I’m afraid my interpretation is rather bleak. The people in back of The Economist are like Crowley. Perhaps this cover is their ritual as the video explained. Their ritual involves engaging us in a subverted manner to understand that happiness lies with self-deification; lack of human emotion; and the greatest actions, including violence, carried to the utmost extreme possible in this world by “superhumans” augmented with technology.
The difference between the real pictures of people and the bleak images of them on the cover also reflects this point. Humans must know that their existence is to become corrupted and bleak as humans. Their reward will be a new race of beings half machine and half human who can fulfill the ultimate potential presented by an untempered human ego.
Unless? Unless virtues return as the center point for human development.
In any case, Trump’s presidency will augment and assist these goals which is the warning underneath the cover. He’s a charismatic and likable persona who currently has galvanized disparate parts of society. Many Americans are eager for his presidency to begin.
Saturn also shapes the Age of Aquarius so often eulogized in print and song. What new Aquarian man will appear as the heavenly worlds portend a cataclysmic change? The Illuminati Watcher brings both the light and dark into synthesis.
The book [Stephen E. Flowers, Lords of the Left-Hand Path] goes on to reveal that the zodiacal sign of Aquarius is ruled by the planetary force of Saturn. The Age of Aquarius is important to the occult because that is the new age of man, or as Crowley defined it the Aeon of Horus. The new age brings about one consciousness and the evolution of man into technology through transhumanism. This concept is threaded back to the ancients’ quest for the Golden Age as I’ve point out in the past….
I believe these ideas characterize Trump’s coming reign as both an era of darkness as well as “the Golden Age” for many. Trump is both Saturns: the light and dark. For this reason, he’s the fulcrum between Saturn and Jane Austen.
The Economist may very well be saying that Trump’s tenure will bring changes unheralded and unannounced at this point in time. Their subtle language is occult. As Mr. Beddoes wrote: “These reforms will determine how quickly America adopts and diffuses cutting-edge technologies including biotech and AI.”
Notice the eye.
As Mr. Beddoes continued:
But extending America’s lead in AI would do far more to ensure its future prosperity and military security than any other part of the MAGA agenda. Over to you, Elon.
We need hardly question that The Economist endorses AI development and sees the usurpation of AI as the ultimate goal…much as Klaus Schwab and others have remarked. AI provides the opportunity for a hive-mind to sprout. This “hive-mind,” unlike times when humans had natural telepathy, will create a link mind to mind which will be controlled. The AI will likely control the linkages between minds. Thus, we have no individual or personal telepathy as a skill or gift within the human but rather a telepathy which accords with the overall order and goals.
The tragedy of Saturn is that these unbelievably advanced technologies are being propagated and developed during a time in which humankind has neither the strength of will; moral turpitude; nor wisdom (the “enlightenment” of which Crowley speaks) to determine a course non-injurious to humans.
Socrates points out that virtue results in happiness which is produced by honing human wisdom.
We have certainly seen this point played out to the opposite extreme of sadness and moral decrepitude this last year in Gaza. The decision to bomb and deliver destruction are united and simultaneous under AI. Decision making and delivery systems—now absolved from human judgement—can strike like this:
This photo represents the end result of an all too powerful AI carrying out both decision making and execution. Looks like the extinction of humankind.
The Israeli publications +972 Magazine and Local Call have exposed how the Israeli military used an artificial intelligence known as “Lavender” to develop a “kill list” in Gaza that includes as many as 37,000 Palestinians who were targeted for assassination with little human oversight. The report is based in part on interviews with six Israeli intelligence officers [my emphasis] who had firsthand involvement with the AI system….
…the commander of the 8200 unit wrote a book in 2021…that “no matter how many intelligence officers you have tasked with producing targets during the war, they still will not be able to produce enough targets per day.”…
What I can tell you is…based on previous experience of the 2014 war and the 2021 war, when the wars end, these systems are then sold to militaries all over the world….
But the systems interact…if somebody is marked to be killed by Lavender, then that person could be killed by a warplane, they could be killed by a drone, and they could be killed by a tank that’s on the ground…there is like a sort of policy of sharing intelligence between…different units and different weapon operators [my bold].
I understand the fervor for greater AI-regulated weaponry because, unfortunately, our world now stands on this precipice. We’ve developed our technology and “scientific” advancement far too rapidly and unwisely. Any nation which fails to incorporate their war machinery with AI will fail against another who does.
Perhaps Jane looks so awful because she’s testifying to this outcome.
In any case, we have a unique upcoming presidency with Trump. He will certainly be the focal point in 2025. As Americans, we must push back against the darker agendas like possibly bio-synthetic human identification while supporting a great deal of what he will likely accomplish for good.
Trump’s presidency will be a “reboot” for America—a “Saturn return” for the nation—but only if Americans continue to let their wills be known.
No biometric ID!!!
No CBDCs!!!
No wars!!!
Return troops home!!!
Privacy returned to the citizen!!
Never, ever any forced medical procedures!!!
Jane Austen, "Pride and Prejudice", it's about UK, as well as the fist next to it; UK should come down to Earth, probably there will be unrests:
The words "pride" and "prejudice" in the title of Jane Austen's novel are central to its themes and characters:
Refers to an inflated sense of self-worth or excessive self-respect.
In the novel, Mr. Darcy embodies pride, particularly in his social status and personal achievements, which initially make him appear aloof and dismissive of others, especially those of lower social standing like Elizabeth Bennet and her family.
It also represents a more positive sense of dignity and self-respect, as seen in Elizabeth's character when she refuses Darcy’s initial proposal.
Refers to preconceived opinions or judgments that are not based on reason or experience.
Elizabeth Bennet demonstrates prejudice in her initial judgment of Mr. Darcy, forming a negative opinion of him based on misunderstandings and misleading information.
It also applies to Darcy's prejudice against people of lower social rank, which colors his initial interactions with Elizabeth and her family.