Oh...Hamas is Terribly Afraid, Mr. President-Elect
"I think hell is something you carry around with you, not somewhere you go" ~ Neil Gaiman
The Gateway Pundit never fails to amuse.
I’m told this morning—for I scan a number of varied news sources each day—“Trump Issues Fiery Ultimatum to Hamas: ‘All Hell Will Break Out in the Middle East’ if Hostages Aren’t Released Before Inauguration”!!!!
Just wonderin’…
Is this “hell?”
Or this?
You have many advisors, Mr. President. Your viewpoint on the Middle East, pardon my forthrightness, is abysmal. You’re misinformed.
I realize you highly respect the military. Why don’t we listen to them?
Would you willingly give up the state of Texas to Mexico if they mandated that all native Texans must move elsewhere and only Mexicans would be allowed to live in Texas, Mr. President?
Here’s another military person speaking from a different point of view…which you might arduously encourage within your administration.
Which level of hell is this?
The last question I’ll pose today, Mr. President, since you’re Christian. Do you believe Palestinians are human beings created by God? Just askin’.
Ohh. I almost forgot. Strange you should say that “All hell will break out. If they’re [the Israeli hostages held by Hamas] not back by the time I get into office, all hell will break out in the Middle East. It will not be good for Hamas, and it will not be good, frankly, for anyone. All hell will break out…” because I actually produced a little video this Christmas called “Where is Hell This Christmas?” Perhaps you’d enjoy viewing my sincere albeit amateurish efforts…although we’re long past Christmas.
Fondest regards to your family and you, Mr. President. I concur with many of your positions, but unfortunately, we’re worlds apart on Gaza.
P.S. As my video shows, Israel announced they would bring Gaza to look like Hiroshima. Can you stop this? I’m counting on you, Mr. Prez!!!!
Hamas release the 200ish (?) hostages still have not been found and killed by israel under their 'Hannibal Doctrine', for the 1000's of hostages, rape-murder-torture toys, living organ-banks, .., Palestinians hostages taken by israel and a stop Genocide would likely be a good starting point for the region's peace.
Trump is a Zionist, so it is likely the only humans are other Zionist, with Jewish-Zionists most human or most Supreme, and all the rest of us? We are all Palestinians now and have always been to them.
Good topic. God Bless., Steve
Another writer i follow encountered this revelation while in a state of non reality, in his case a year long coma
When i first came across what he writes i was struck by how he was trying to write about something that crosses the boundaries of accepted reality based facts and concepts with those which We have been indoctrinated into misunderstanding, incidentaly by the self same invaders that he describes..
Through many revisions he has brought it down to a concise, coherent, singular statement.
We face many dangers in this current phase of spiritual, physical, geo-political, moral phase of Human existence, however the realisation that demons take "human" form and may be implanted wherever required into postions of power by a singularly driven, invading parasitic force takes a moment or two to digest.
From what i have seen, from the places i have been both in body and out of body what this man has written concurs with what i know, excepting that he has been able to articulate it with far greater skill: